Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Bizzy Weekend


Sweet Jebus, Labor Day is nearly on us. We are tossing around a trip to Steamboat Springs for the long weekend.
Last weekend was a busy one, ROCKBARS's one year anniversary on Friday night, me drinking soda and cranberry juice while all around the sweet sweet booze was a flowing. My kidneys and bladder are squeaky clean, and Rick Ross was really friendly when he wasn't getting drunks drunker.

Then we had Uncle Al's birthday (41rst) on Saturday. Lots of food (and lots of booze, for everyone else). The designated driver again, but I feel as though my colon is wintry fresh and my whole family agrees. Heres some snaps...................
Al and Sylvia looking old and tired. SNAP.See above. SNAP.

Sylvia and Audrey, no snap required.

Then Sunday, we hiked up to damn near the Devils Thumb and would have got closer to the top if Enola hadn't started gaining weight as I charged up the mountain, or I am totally out of shape. Regardless, we had to scrabble up and tear down....

since the Rapids had a date with a Beckham-less, Donovon-less, etc-less LA Galaxy. 3-0, smell the finger, you lose!

A couple more of Enolas nose before she turns 3 in Sept.

see you later, the GUYERS

ps check M.I.A.s new one, KALA. Its hawt.

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