Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hola Amigos,

Its been a while since we rapped at you,

Thanksgiving was a delight, family and friends are a blessing (but mostly a pain in the keister)

and a ten hour smoked turkey is the best of all.
We had old friends in town and met their handsome product-of-sin for the 1rst time. Enola enjoyed meeting Harrison, Enola thinks she is Miss Big-Britches when babies are around.

Bozos ala Bozeman, we kinda miss seeing you more than 3 hours every two years.

Hizzonner Bates and the luvly Kris also popped in from LA. Seen here with Le Frog and Matt & Michele.

The Parade of lights was outta sight......if a little cold, December in Denver, who woulda thunk it?

And of course Brooklyn turnded 2 years old, happy birthday Schnook

Thursday, November 8, 2007

40 Pi

kind of out of order, but as they lay.....

Auntie Sylvia turnded Forty. We had some cake that night, but she is back in Indonesia now on business and Al and Aditiya are starting to miss clean underwear and home cooked meals.

My purdy girls.
Bad guys wear black,

Then I hopped a plane to Pittsburgh, for CAD classes. A week there and didnt get to see much of what looks like an interesting part of the USA. I missed Frank Lloyd Wrights "Falling Water" house and almost everything else cool, but I did not miss the mall that they filmed "Dawn of the Dead"1978, at/in. Yes THE Monroeville, PA. mall to you braainns lovers.

On a related note, here is a lovely view of Pittsburgh at night from up around Washington Hill.

THEN, Back home for HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!! The lion from Oz was skerry.

Sisters? or Mothas?

Grape Ape!!!!
Frito Kahlo.....

Oh sorry Frida, not Frido..

Ben and Thh-Robbin Jenkems, right before Ben got me in dutch at the Bulldog, by abandoning me in Bobs care.

------C'mon U Gunners!!!!-----


Fairee and FridaK Funkee.
Sticky and Fuzzy and Glistening with half digested candy, my man Elmo.
Cheese and Bluecheese. Cowardly Lion and the LoveBug.

A fathers pride, two of my girls on Colfax, one in a fur collard leather trench coat, the other in a red Tu-tu and Red patent leather F'Me momma like daughter.

With Builder Bob,

And waiting on the ballon tying man.

This was a strange

day in many respects.

But in the end PawPaw Cart, aka "Cort" to the privileged, was OK.

Nov 4th was a wonderfully typical "Fall in Colorado" day, and we took advantage, rode bikes around the Zoo and the Museum, through City Park, and around Lake Ferril, then played on the playground before the Rib Tip platter at M&D'S put us all down for Nappytime.
We leave you with a shot of D-town in fall....

Jan sold her house today, so now we celebrate.

See y'all down in Dixie for Xmas....

Monday, October 1, 2007

here there and everywhere

3rd Birthday was a blast by all accounts...

Kylee & Enola Lee Poppy Guyer.

David and Elijah and Leah.

3 Cheese Weasels.

Kal & Eliza

One of Enolas favorite people, the Tiffy.

Where do you two think you are? Cheeseman?

A pack of wild Grimsleys.

The party was finger licking good says Brooklyn Spears Hoffman,

Brian (casing perps and a possible 10-34) with Ian and Stacy

Eliza and Nola. Pink was a popular color today.

Lily and Brother Ian getting a little too close to the Pinata

Baby C and Audrey Mae

Webby and Enoleer


Melissa and Josh..........who ate all the Tacos.

Back to the batcave to count the loot, away from thieving eyes....

Get started already!

Bit by the Lovebug!

Being this cute saves her from many a strangling.

Manipulator extraordinaire,

They learn so fast,

Cool bracelet dooood,

"Wheres the remote?" "I wanna watch this" "You've already seen this!" "Fine I'll go watch Die Hard downstairs!"

Capitan Carlton takes some no-good-niks for a romp aboard the SS Toona.

Rear Admiral Poindexter III underway,

1rst Mate Matt and unidentified Deckhand,

looks too puny to tote much rope.

Seaman Michi rests after swabbing the decks.